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Lestari Bumi Financing

Lestari Bumi Financing is part of the Government's initiative under Budget 2021 to provide financial assistance to Bumiputera micro and small enterprises to elevate their business to a higher level in terms of production capacity, market penetration and competitiveness or as an assistance to restart the business during various phases of Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN).


  • Asset Acquisition
  • Working Capital


  • Micro and small enterprises as defined by National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC)
  • At least 51% of its equity shareholding, board of directors and senior management position are held.
  • Shariah-compliant business.
  • Minimum 2 years in operations.

Financing Concept

  • Commodity Murabahah via Taqarruq
  • Ijarah Thummal Bai'

Type of Financing

  • Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i (CMTF-i)
  • Ijarah Thummal Bai' (ITB) Financing
  • Cash Line-i

Financing Limit

  • From $100,000 to $750,000.


  • Up to 7 years

Profit Rate

  • 5.0 % p.a