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The Hung Kai Finance Infrastructure Revitalization Program

Structuring, and Securing our Future,
when it comes to Funding and Developing Sustainable Energy for Generations to come

Hung Kai Finance has initiated the Infrastructure Revitalisation Program. Meant to partner and co develop infrastructure projects. Helping with the funding and structuring the right business model to help fulfill the infrastructure needs of todays market.

The mezzanine or bridge construction-to-permanent funding program is directed towards large infrastructure projects located throughout the United States and select international locations.

Projects may include but not limited to:

  • roads
  • rail transportation
  • bridges
  • water infrastructure and systems
  • utilities
  • ports and large marinas
  • telecommunications
  • manufacturing
  • public schools, universities, or training institutes
  • aviation and airports
  • municipalities
  • government buildings
  • government special-purpose operations
  • mixed-use development
  • office space
  • industrial
  • retail
  • hotels and hospitality
  • multifamily housing
  • student housing
  • special purpose
  • land
  • …and more