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The Hung Kai Finance Renewable Program is about D-Risking

Structuring, and Securing our Future,
when it comes to Funding and Developing Sustainable Energy for Generations to come

Hung Kai Finance has initiated a construction to permanent funding for renewable energy projects located throughout the United States and other qualified international locations worldwide.

Our team will create a customized solution for each renewable energy project that meets the Hung Kai Finance underwriting and renewable Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards. Hung Kai Finance will structure the funding, assist on developing the structure and support the project from start to finish.

These type of projects include:

  • Biofules
  • Biomass
  • Solar farms
  • Geothermal energy
  • Wind farms
  • Tidal power
  • Hydropower
  • Plasma energy

Hung Kai Finance can fund 100% from start to finish with its 100% project funding model. Hung Kai Finance issues its notes for the projects we partner with and can leverage additional capital for equity and profit share payout with certain credits and future contracts (limited and must meet strict qualifications).

This is a unique ability and opportunity for project owners to partner with Hung Kai Finance, because most funding groups don’t even fund 100% LTV, not alone partner and help develop the project, for its success.